7 Older Entrepreneurs that Prove Age is an Asset

Jul 03, 2020

When someone’s trying to solve the puzzle of their retirement savings gap, I always recommend becoming an entrepreneur. But most look at me like I’m crazy.

“I’m too old,” they all chant.

You may feel that way, but there’s a lot of evidence out there that shows you’re in fact not too old at all. Just take a look at this list of successful older entrepreneurs to inspire you.

Art Koff
Koff worked 30 years in recruitment communications for advertising agencies before retirement. Like many Baby Boomers, he didn’t want to stop there. At age 68 he launched RetiredBrains.com, a resource website for his generation to help plan for retirement.That was back in 2003. Now his business is going strong and he tops the older entrepreneurs list.

Harland David Sanders
After being fired from a series of jobs, Col. Sanders found himself serving chicken at a gas station. His recipe was all the rage, so in 1952 (at age 62), he franchised “Kentucky Fried Chicken.” Now it operates in 118 countries.

Carol Gardner
At 52, Gardner was facing divorce. She was unemployed, depressed and directionless. Her friends and family advised her to get a dog, which she named Zelda. On a whim, she submitted funny of photo of Zelda to a greeting card contest and won. That spurred the creation of Zelda Wisdom, a greeting card company that now sells clothing, books, jewelry and more.

Fanny Martin
Martin spent 40 years working in corporate marketing. She baked cookies as a hobby, and one day decided to launch her own bake-to-order cookie company. She was in her mid-50s when Cookies on Call took off. It started out in a local elementary school’s kitchen, but now she ships over 40 varieties of cookies and biscotti internationally.

Leo Goodwin
Goodwin was a former accountant who founded GEICO insurance company at age 50 in 1936. Today the company has more than 27,000 employees and 14 million policyholders. I chose him for this list as an older example of how entrepreneurs can succeed at any age.

Gail Dunn
Dunn spent years working on cars, a rare skill for a woman in her youth. In 2007, at the age of 64, she decided to set up the Women’s Automotive Connection. The business was designed to help women by providing automotive advice and service. By teaching others how to manage their auto repair needs, Dunn started helping women and others gain their own expertise.

In a HuffPost interview, Dunn was asked about the challenges of being an older entrepreneur. She responded: “…I find that my age has actually been a help to me. At my age, people look at me and understand I have experience. I don’t know that someone much younger starting a business like this would have the same credibility. Sometimes this gray hair I have is a sign of experience and maybe a little wisdom. And that works in my favor.”

Lynne Brooks
At age 59, Brooks was fed up with her job and decided to quit. She found new employment quickly, but was then laid off from her new job less than a year later. In 1992 at age 60, she decided to set up Big Apple Greeter, a non-profit business to serve as a Welcome Visitor program in New York.

What did you think of this old entrepreneurs list? It’s just the tip of the iceberg of older entrepreneurs that have made it big. And now it’s easier than ever for old entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, thanks to the internet.

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Read about The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan here.

Source: Ian Bond/Medium.com

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