Introducing John Porter – Beer Sommelier, Journalist, Editor

Apr 26, 2020

What is your name?

John Porter

Briefly sum up who you are and what motivates you.

I’m a 57-year-old South Londoner, I enjoy music, theatre, travel and I’m a bit of a sci-fi geek. Married 30-plus years to Ruth, and father of four ‘kids’ in their 20s.

If you have a job, what do you do for a living?

I’m a journalist, editor, PR, copywriter and general media hack-of-all-trades. After many years writing about the beer and pub industry, a few years ago I decided to qualify as a Beer Sommelier with the Institute of Brewing & Distilling – a process which took about 18 months and a series of exams, as well as practical work with pubs and restaurants to host beer appreciation and beer and food matching events. So, I now also host a range of beer tasting and knowledge session for consumer events, corporate events, staff training etc.

How long have you been doing this?

Scarily, I started as a local newspaper reporter almost 35 years ago. I’ve been focused on the hospitality sector for about 25 years.

What do you find most satisfying about your job?

I’m quite proud of being a good journalist and a clear communicator, although I often look at the amount of misinformation and poor communication out there, particularly online, and wonder how much those skills are valued today.

Is your work primarily a means to an end ie money or the motivating force of your life?

Like many people, the amount of time I spend working is inversely proportionate to the importance I place on it. But the bills have to be paid, and I know that I have a far more interesting and diverse working life than many people.

When you were 8, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Batman. I became a journalist mainly because writing was something I was good at, and unlike most other subjects, didn’t require a huge amount of study on my part. I’m now far more interested in history, science etc. than I was at school, and wish I’d paid more attention.

Did you get there – and if not, are you happy/sad that you didn’t?

I think the crime rate in Gotham City speaks for itself.

What is your dream job?

Starship Captain.

You can find John at his website:

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