AofA Business People: Margaret Byrne, founder of Cozy Quarters

Jan 27, 2021

Margaret (Maggie) Byrnes is the founder of Cosy Quarters, dedicated to creating compatible co-living house shares for like-minded mature renters.

What is your name?

Margaret Byrne

Briefly sum up who you are and what motivates you:

I am an outgrown teacher with a burning desire to have my own business. Recently, within the last year, I started a co-living company for pre-millennials/over 40s, offering to match people together to form friendly house shares. I am motivated by making something happen that can make a change to people’s lives and improve them. I am also motivated by supporting myself through my own business and having the freedom that that brings.

If you have a job, what do you do for a living?

I had been teaching up to 1 month ago, whilst at the same time, trying to get my business off the ground. In December I decided to ditch the day job, sell my car and take myself away for 3 months to get the business off the ground. I’m doing it on a wing and a prayer.

How long have you been doing this?

I have been teaching for about 10 years. I’ve been working on my business off and on for about a year.

What do you find most satisfying about your job?

I love working on my business, I love the independence, the creativity and the sense of being of service to people (Virgo)

Is your work primarily a means to an end ie money, or the motivating force of your life?

The business is motivating me to create something that can really benefit people. I love doing it for the reasons above. I get bored if I don’t have a purpose. I also need a pension as I don’t have one,so that’s motivating me too.

If you don’t work for a living, can you say why?

I think I’ll always be working one way or another. When I retire I want to volunteer at a dog rescue centre and maybe some other things too.

When you were 8, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I think I wanted to be a teacher or a writer, or maybe a singer or an actress.

Did you get there – and if not, are you happy/sad that you didn’t?

I made it to being a teacher, which was great while I had the passion for it.

What is your dream job?

Running my business with a team of like minded people.

If UK-based, are you glad, indifferent or disappointed that the official pension age is rising? Very disappointed, it doesn’t affect me too much but I have friends who are so tired and need to retire but they can’t.


Maggie Byrne is a Co-living Consultant and founder of Cosy Quarters

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