Professional Contractors Group – Guide to Freelancing: Introduction

Jul 25, 2020

The Professional Contractors Group is the trade association that represents the interests of freelancers and is a not-for-profit organisation run by freelancers for freelancers. It has evolved to become the freelancer’s champion, campaigning on issues that matter to the freelance community, irrespective of industry focus, and is committed to promoting members commercially and supporting their development.

PCG is the most comprehensive source of advice and tools to help freelancers cope with the implications of IR35 tax legislation.

PCG remains committed to mitigating the impact of IR35 tax legislation and continues to explore every viable opportunity to lift members out of harms way.
PCG has made submissions on a variety of topics that matter to freelancers, including Agency Regulations, E- Commerce Regulations, Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Bill and Security Clearances.

PCG’s £100 membership fee is quickly recouped by most members from immediate access to exclusive discounts on professional advice and services.

PCG and ATSCo meet regularly to explore and find common solutions to issues that matter to freelancers. Already, a ‘standard’ contract has been agreed that will be offered exclusively to PCG members.

The £100 PCG membership fee buys…

tax investigation insurance

access to free tax and legal helplines discounted professional indemnity insurance discounted books and seminar

IR35 analysis and manuals

draft sample contracts

discounted medical insurance

contract review service

…and entry to the freelancer’s online community

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PCG supports freelancers in the construction industry who are campaigning for a more equitable tax system that recognises freelancing as a valid business model.

PCG‘s IR35 cover has saved members an estimated £4m in taxes and associated professional charges since its inception.

PCG’s Tax Investigation Insurance scheme has covered, to date, Inland Revenue investigations involving 300 members. Around 100 cases have been resolved – virtually ALL in favour of the PCG member!
PCG was a key influence, in concert with other organisations and individual freelancers, in removing IT skills from the Skills Register used by Work Permits UK to issue so called Fast Track Visas.
PCG is continuing to campaign for the elimination of abuses of the Intra Company Transfer mechanism for granting work visas.


This guide has been written by freelancers for freelancers and is aimed at anyone thinking about or interested in freelancing. It attempts to explain the procedures you will have to go through to set up a freelancing business, how to go about obtaining work and, finally, how to maintain a viable business. Links are given to sites and documents containing fuller information on certain topics. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. The reader is urged to seek professional advice.

Further editions are planned to extend this guide and provide expanded advice and guidance on aspects and implications of the freelancing lifestyle. Visit the PCG website ( regularly to make sure that you keep updated. Better still, PCG membership costs only £100 per annum.

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